Songlist & 1300

Hello everyone! Thanx for listening to MelodyMaker Radio! It’s been a long time since I posted here something. During all this time I’ve been searching and uploading new stuff into the music collection. Some of them were really fresh and new but some were just new for the server ;) Now we have more than 1300 great all time songs from the greatest artists.

For many months I was thinking how to manage a scrolling text showing current song playing. I had started to study javascript for that and made some tries. But I found a better way now using an applet from the that monitors our radio. It’s pretty good I suppose ‘beacause you can get not only the last few song’s names but the links on youtube of that songs as well. Pretty cool.

Have a nice listening!

BTW if you want to say something – send me a message on »> takenp@/gооglemailakagmail.cоm